This was our last 2024/2025 winter tests session. More than 10 drivers, 6 tracks, 15 days of testing… The Volant F4 will be back soon all the summer long, and winter testing will resume right afterwards! Merci 💙🤍♥️...
9 FEED trainees on the 2025 FFSA F4 grid
🇬🇧 The first 2025 FFSA F4 @ffsaacademy F4 official testing session got underway at Nogaro circuit. Let’s welcome the 9 former FEED Racing trainees on the grid. ⬇️ 🇫🇷 Malo Bolliet, 2024 @feedracing winner 🇫🇷 Rafaël Pérard, 2024 semifinalist 🇫🇷 Hugo Herrouin, 2024 runner-up 🇹🇭 Ryan Caretti, 2023 semifinalist 🇵🇹 Léandre Carvalho, 2024 quarterfinalist...
Why doing FEED Racing?
The list of benefits of FEED Racing is long, but here’s why doing FEED Racing is THE thing to do in your early career after karting: – The world’s last F4 “Volant”, open to everyone with no previous single-seater experience. – 5 days of driving at the price of just 2 days alone on...
New Course in 2025
💥🏁 With the Course 2 already fully booked and the Course 1 reaching its last available places, we are pleased to announce the opening of a third 5-day course counting towards our 2025 F4 Volant. 🆕 Third training course of 5 days on August 11/12/13/14/15, 2025 in order to qualify for the final phases...
FFSA F4 tests for Herrouin and Van Der Struijs
💥🏁 We are delighted to announce that the second and third of the 2024 F4 FEED Racing « Volant » have been offered a day of F4 testing at Le Mans by the FFSA Academy by the end of the year. Congrats 🇫🇷 Hugo Herrouin and 🇳🇱 Tommie Van Der Struijs. #FFSAF4 #F4FFSA #FFSAACADEMY...
Malo Bolliet wins 2024 F4 FEED Racing
💥🏁 After 3 months of intensive testing and a competition involving 51 drivers from 17 countries around the world, Malo Bolliet won the FEED Racing 2024 F4 Competition. Over 3 days under tricky and changing weather conditions, Malo (19 yo) triumphed over the 5 other finalists. But everyone was truly amazing on the fantastic...
The six 2024 FEED Racing finalists
🏁 The 2024 six Finalists after the ⏱️ FERRAZZANO Aaron / 🇧🇪 / 16 yo VAN DER STRUIJS Tommie / 🇳🇱 / 15 yo BOLLIET Malo/ 🇫🇷 / 19 yo SAINTPAUL Elio / 🇫🇷 / 17 yo HERROUIN Hugo / 🇫🇷 / 17 yo CAPPUCCIO Mathys / 🇫🇷 / 17 yo ➡ Final from...
The next quarter-finalists
🏁 The next 8 Quarter-Finalists after the ⏱️ 👏 SAINTPAUL Elio / 🇫🇷 / 17 yo MIMASSI Hady-Noah / 🇨🇦 / 16 yo ROTGÉ Sachel / 🇫🇷 / 18 yo IONESCU Victor / 🇷🇴/ 15 yo COTTY Emily / 🇬🇧/ 14 yo SONG Harim / 🇰🇷 / 16 yo LEQUY Marceau / 🇫🇷 /...
The first quarter-finalists
🏁 The top 8 finishers automatically qualify for the Volant F4 FEED Racing quarter-finals after the ⏱️ 👏 GRANT Conor / 🇮🇪 / 17 yo SHEN Jason / 🇨🇳 / 17 yo CARVALHO Léandre / 🇵🇹 / 16 yo FOURNIER Raphaël / 🇫🇷 / 17 yo SAURA PICTET Mathys / 🇫🇷 / 15 yo...
17 nationalities in 2024
🇬🇧 3 days to go before the start of our new season! On the starting grid, 51 drivers representing 17 nationalities will try to achieve the holy grail: a season in the FFSA French F4 Championship in 2025. Who will be the winner after Augustin Bernier last year? 1️⃣ First 5-day course from July...
FEED Coaching, all the infos
In addition to its F4 Academy, which since 2019 has given hundreds of youngsters a taste of driving an F4 and the chance to compete for a free season of F4 racing, FEED Racing inaugurated its coaching service last winter, based around an F4 GenII and 7 F4 GenIs. Here are the stats about...
First 2024 FFSA F4 tests for our 2023 FEED Racing winner
The winner of the FEED Racing 2023 Volant F4 has begun his preparatory testing for the 2024 French F4 season. Augustin Bernier earned his place on the grid by winning our selection last year, ahead of 59 other drivers. The FEED Racing Volant F4 is back this year. Two courses are already full, and...
New dates in August
FEED Racing is adding new dates in August 2024 as part of its F4 Academy. The first two courses initially open are fully booked. The last places available will now be on 5/6/7/8/9 August 2024. Sign up to learn to drive an F4 and to win a season in F4 FFSA in 2025....
Launch of FEED Racing Coaching
🇬🇧 Big day for FEED Racing with the launch of its Coaching service for drivers already racing or those wishing to build on their previous experience with the FEED Racing Academy. It was the debut as well for our F4 GEN2 alongside our seven GEN1 single-seaters....
FOSTER, 3rd of the 2023 French F4
🇬🇧 Well done Kevin! What a season! Winner of the 2022 FEED Racing F4 « Volant » and a brilliant rookie in the 2023 season of the French F4 Championship. ➡️ 21 races ➡️ 11 podiums ➡️ 1 win ➡️ 7 second places ➡️ 2 pole positions 🇬🇧 Become the next Kevin! 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🆕 July...
2024 F4 Registrations are open
💥🏁 FEED Racing will be back in 2023! A sixth season for the « Volant F4 » which has already allowed more than 175 drivers to get a taste of F4 and learn the basics of single seater driving. Three drivers got a free season in F4. 🆕 First 5-day training course on July 23/24/25/26/27*, 2023...
Augustin Bernier, 2023 F4 Winner
🇬🇧 And the winner of the FEED Racing 2023 F4 Volant is… Augustin BERNIER (FR/16 yo)! After 3 months of competition, the young Frenchman triumphed over 53 drivers representing 14 nationalities. He thus wins a season in the FFSA French F4 Championship in 2024....
The 12 semi-finalists
BERNIER Augustin 🇫🇷 1:07.157 BALOTA Sam 🇧🇪 1:07.414 CARANTA Jules 🇫🇷 1:07.716 CALDARAS Enzo 🇫🇷 1:07.773 GIL Mario 🇨🇦 1:07.829 MULDERS Bruno 🇳🇱 1:07.945 CIONI Lorenzo 🇫🇷 1:07.947 CASTAIGNOS Yoann 🇫🇷 1:07.965 RICCOBONO BELLO Pablo 🇪🇸 1:08.000 MONNOT Alexandre 🇫🇷 1:08.051 O’GRADY Alex 🇮🇪 1:08.069 NOOR Sergio 🇮🇩 1:08.299 #feedracing #feedracingfrance ...
F4 Quarter-Finals LIVE
Follow the F4 Quarter-Finals there ...
The 24 quarter-finalists through the lap times
After three 5-day training sessions, here are the 24 drivers who have automatically qualified for the quarter-finals by setting the 8 fastest laps per sessions. FEED Racing will be selecting 8 drivers who were eliminated in the group stage but whose attitude and track record deserve a second chance into quarter-final. BERNIER Augustin 🇫🇷...
Second F4 Course
🇬🇧 That’s the start of our second FEED Racing’s F4 course. 5 days on track for the next 17 drivers. PORTE* Franck 🇦🇩 BALLBÉ FELMLEE Ian 🇦🇩 BOCQUET Romuald 🇫🇷 CARANTA Jules 🇫🇷 CARBILA Jérémy 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 CARLIER* Calvin 🇫🇷 CIONI Lorenzo 🇫🇷 DENJEAN Leo 🇫🇷 IONESCU Victor 🇷🇴 LORIMIER Arthur 🇫🇷 MULDERS Bruno...
First quarter-finalistes
🇬🇧 The first 8 quarter-finalists after the ⏱️ BERNIER Augustin 🇫🇷 MADESH Rohaan 🇮🇳 CALDARAS Enzo 🇫🇷 SUGITA Yuma 🇯🇵 CASTAIGNOS Yoann 🇫🇷 BOUVIER Maxence 🇫🇷 DEGUELDRE Elven 🇫🇷 PHARAMOND Ethan 🇫🇷 #feedracingfrance #FEEDRacing #F4 #Pirelli #Sparco #MagnyCours #talent #JacquesVilleneuve #PatrickLemarié #Kartingp #Gokart #drivingschool #talentfirst #karting #gokart #dream #ecoledepilotage #FFSAAcademy #associationjulesbianchi #nièvre #AlloPneus #QuincaillerieAixoise...
First 5-day F4 Course
🇬🇧 That’s the start of Volant FEED Racing’s first F4 course. 5 days on track for the first 17 drivers. DEGUELDRE Elven 🇫🇷 THEVENY Rafael 🇫🇷 GARAMPON-BRUNET Marvin 🇫🇷 MOREAU-GALHAUD Louis 🇫🇷 SUGITA Yuma 🇯🇵 PEERBOCUS Nafi 🇫🇷 BERNIER Augustin 🇫🇷 ROTH Baptiste 🇫🇷 CASTAIGNOS Yoann 🇫🇷 BOURGET Laura 🇫🇷 CALDARAS Enzo 🇫🇷 DELOT...
53 drivers & 14 nationalities on the grid
🇬🇧 Let’s go for the start of our new F4 season! On the starting grid, 53 drivers representing 14 nationalities will try to achieve the holy grail: a season in the FFSA French F4 Championship in 2024. Who will be the winner after Kevin Foster in 2022? 1️⃣ First 5-day course from July 17th...
First F4 win for Foster
First meeting in French F4 for the 2022 winner of the FEED Racing Volant, and already great results on track. Second in qualifying, Kevin Foster finished second in the first race and then won the third round of the weekend. Kevin Foster leaves Nogaro in second place in the championship. Kevin Foster was one...
New dates in 2023! 16 spots available
🇬🇧💥🏁 With the first two 2023 courses now fully booked, we are pleased to announce the addition of new dates. ✅🆕 July 24/25/26/27/28 1️⃣6️⃣ spots available ❌ July 17/18/19/20/21 ❌ August 7/8/9/10/11 🆕 1/4 finals & 1/2 finals on August 29/30/31 🆕 Final end of September / early October (to be confirmed) ➡️ Still...
From “no hope” to an F4 official podium
The Spanish F4 season of the 2021 FEED Racing winner came to an end. On June 30, 2021, the young Robert de Haan (14 years old) won the final of FEED Racing after 10 days of selection and a long journey against 40 other students. 5 days training, 1/4 final, 1/2 final, training days...
Register now for 2023 F4 Courses
💥🏁 FEED Racing will be back in 2023! A fifth season for the « Volant F4 » which has already allowed more than 120 drivers to get a taste of F4 and learn the basics of single seater driving. Three drivers got a free season in F4. 🆕 First 5-day training course on July 17/18/19/20/21, 2023...
The 4th season of FEED Racing ended in beauty. Close and tense duels between the 6 finalists, from all backgrounds and ages (15 to 21 years old; Canada, France, Belgium; karting and simracing); and a clear and very impressive winner: FOSTER Kevin (🇨🇦🇰🇷/ 18 years old). Kevin triumphed over all his opponents on the...
FEED Racing Academy in Video
💥 BREAKING NEWS There were so many of you to register for the first 2022 FEED RACING F4 Course. Thanks a lot for the trust! 🆕 We are happy to confirm the adding of two new 20-slot courses! ➡️ JULY 16/17/18/19/20, 2022 ➡️ JULY 23/24/25/26/27, 2022 Come and drive an F4 for 5 days,...
2025 Registrations are open
💥🏁 FEED Racing will be back in 2025! A seventh season for the « Volant F4 » which has already allowed more than 230 drivers to get a taste of F4 and learn the basics of single seater driving. Three drivers got a free season in F4. 🆕 First 5-day training course on June 30 /...