
From “no hope” to an F4 official podium

The Spanish F4 season of the 2021 FEED Racing winner came to an end.

On June 30, 2021, the young Robert de Haan (14 years old) won the final of FEED Racing after 10 days of selection and a long journey against 40 other students. 5 days training, 1/4 final, 1/2 final, training days before the final… And so the young Dutchman realized his dream, for 2 thousandth of a second, against Elliott Vayron.

He who thought he would never be able to go from karting to F4 was offered a season in 2022 in a F4 championship.

More than a year later, and after 27 F4 races, De Haan has tasted the joy of a podium in F4.

We are happy to have offered this opportunity to Robert De Haan, after Marijn Kremers in 2021, and waiting for Kevin Foster in 2023 and a new one in 2024.

To live this extraordinary journey, the 2023 FEED Racing courses are open for booking.

🆕 First 2023 5-day training courses on July 17/18/19/20/21 in order to qualify for the final phases (1/4, 1/2, final). ONLY A FEW PLACES LEFT

🆕 Second 2023 5-day training courses on 7/8/9/10/11 August.

➡️ One season offered in French FFSA F4 in 2024.

➡️ 8K euros for the second.

➡️ 5K euros for the third.

⚠️ Rate promotion before December 31, 2022, (-13%).

ℹ️ Open to all drivers from 14 to 21 years old (without official experience in F4).



Program Volant F4 FEED RACING 2023

Registration form 2023 Volant F4 FEED RACING UK

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