
Register now for 2023 F4 Courses

💥🏁 FEED Racing will be back in 2023! A fifth season for the « Volant F4 » which has already allowed more than 120 drivers to get a taste of F4 and learn the basics of single seater driving. Three drivers got a free season in F4.

🆕 First 5-day training course on July 17/18/19/20/21, 2023 in order to qualify for the final stages (1/4, 1/2, final).

🆕 Second training course of 5 days on 7/8/9/10/11 August 2023 with a view to qualify for the final phases (1/4, 1/2, final).

🆕 1/4 final & 1/2 final on September 12/13/14

🆕 Final Early October (to be confirmed)

➡️ Still at stake a full season of Formula 4 to be won in 2024 in the FFSA French F4 championship.

➡️ 8K euros for the second (new)

➡️ 5K euros for the third (new)

ℹ️ The training courses are carried out in the presence of the entire FEED Racing staff, on the Club and Formula 1 circuits in Magny-Cours, and supervised by a full team of world-class coaches.

⚠️ Price promotion before December 31, 2022

⚠️ The 5 days are offered at 10,000 euros excluding VAT, the lowest price since the creation of the Volant in 2019.

ℹ️ Open to all drivers from 14 to 21 years old (without official F4 experience).

➡️📩 contact@feedracingfrance.fr 💻 www.feedracing.fr

📞 +33(0)6 77 06 24 30

➡️ Register https://www.feedracing.fr/en/register/

🆕 Join our discord: https://discord.gg/fyTGBXAe

#FEEDRacing #Flying #F4 #Mygale #Pirelli #Sparco #Bell #MagnyCours #talent #JacquesVilleneuve #PatrickLemarié #Kartingp #Gokart #drivingschool #talentfirst #karting #gokart #dream #ecoledepilotage

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